Welcome to our Pursuing Uncomfortable Family!

Strengthen Your Relationship With God

Welcome to fiLLLed in 5! Join me every Monday as we explore an aspect of creating a vibrant spiritual life. Today's topic is strengthening your relationship with God. Discover how moving your body can energize your spirit and deepen your prayer life. From taking walks to finding gratitude in mundane tasks, learn to infuse your day with a spiritual connection. Venture outdoors and reconnect with nature to soothe your soul and ignite your spirit. Experience the beauty of creation and sense the presence of God in every aspect of the natural world.

I'm Rev. Melissa Ebken, pastor of the Iliopolis and Nianic Christian churches, inviting you to embrace a fiLLLed life overflowing with the boundless love of God. Subscribe to our channel and join us on the journey to spiritual discovery.

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BOOK: https://www.melissaebken.com/links